Glander Pressley, Gullah Presenter
Glander Pressley is a Gullah Historical Interpreter from Andrews, SC. She is a fifth generation interpreter and preserver of the Gullah Geechee culture, traditions, and sea islands based creole language. She interprets the history of slaves captured on the West Coast of Africa who were transported by ship to various locations in America for the purpose of planting indigo, rice, cotton, sugar cane, and tobacco. She is passionate about educating future generations about the medicinal herbs used by Gullah people, preserving the Gullah language, and passing on the cultural traditions to younger generations. Ms Pressley is a frequent speaker at church functions and community events including Williamsburg County Summer Reading Program and The Sweetgrass Festival of Mt. Pleasant, SC. She was a special guest Gullah Storyteller for the 2022 NAACP Arts Festival in Brunswick County, NC. She has been featured on local TV in the Myrtle Beach area. Glander Pressley is a graduate of St. Mark High School, and has degrees from Denmark Technical College, Williamsburg Technical College, and Limestone University where she was an Honor Graduate. She’s owner of iPromise Advocacy which advocates for families with children with special needs.